Ladies & Gentlemen, without further adieu, I present to you Miss Jenna Duncan's rendition of the Sicha Time song (newly invented) as well has her superspeed rendition of the Hamotzi prayer sung at Camp Harlam. For those who do not know what either is, just laugh at her.
Featuring: Jenna Duncan & guest appearance of Lucas Windsor
And of course a lovely duet by, once again, Lucas Windsor and Jenna Duncan singing some song which i'll give the first person (who wasn't involved at this evening) a prize if you can determine what on earth they are singing. Best of luck to you all :P
Starring: Lucas James Windsor & Jenna "Mams" Duncan
Some still shots of the night:
(this just about sums them up in a nutshell: jenna - absolute nutter, luke - scorns at the world)
(Luke thinking he's some early 90's DJ with the speakers on his shoulder. News flash luke: its 2009 now)
(no need for this one other than for others to see how much Matt loves his girlfriend - he's the one ducking from the camera/jenna)
Anyway, sorry I haven't wrote anything in a little bit, much more to come!
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