Wednesday, 31 December 2008


New Years in Wales! How freakin sweet does that sound?! I'm so excited. We got out of the car and were immediately greeted with all the "Oh my god!" and "I can't believe you're here" shouts of excitement. They guessed right. Musta been the "smile like sunshine" that tipped them off. (Actually, they said my facebook gave it away. Thanks Alizza) oh well.

It was so nice to see them all. Met up with Sophie & Jake who are still together after camp, Danielle Andre, and Tom David (security '08). Needless to say, the night was destined to be an absolute blasty blast.

Anyway, we got there and of course cracked open a few to celebrate this joyous occasion. After playing some catch-up, Marc tried teaching us a drinking game called Snaps. It was a bit complicated for our simple little heads, so then Kerry (Marc's cousin) tried teaching a game called Ping Pang Pong which I just couldn't get the hang of for the life of me even though the rules were simple: Going in a clockwise direction, one person starts off and says "Ping", the person to their left says "Pang", the next-left person says "Pong"  and has to look at somebody in the circle. Whoever they look at has to start it up again with "Ping" and then it repeats. Obviously if you fail to "ping", "pang" or "pong" on cue, you have to drink. Quite simple...for everyone else.

So me being the sly dog that I am, I change the direction of the game and suggest another game...with nothing in mind, Jake suggested the well-known card game of "Kings", "Ring of Fire", or "Circle of Death" (all the same game, different names). Sophie being the excellent host she is, gets the required deck of cards. Except these cards are special to say the least. Each card is a different sexual position. An interesting choice Sophie. I had trouble focusing on the game at hand with such vulgar images in front of my virgin eyes. But I obligingly played the game.

We didn't make it a full game before all our ADD kicked in after the double-double rule (courtesy of yours truly), Kerry's thumb rule, the classic "in my pants" rule, and some other rule which eludes me right now. I'm not sure how but then I noticed a tube (yes, a tube!) of Ham & Cheese. Silly Welsh. So Tom takes a bunch of pictures of him eating this amorphous ham and cheese...paste. I put a bit on my finger to try and needless to say, absolutely awful. As if I expected otherwise. I still blame it on the Welsh.

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